
University Hall

Small and cozy dorm-style living. This residence offers the co-ed dorm-style living of Upper Residence, the coziness of a shared house, and the best residence location at 看片视频: directly across from the Milton Gates!


Lease is for a period of 8.42 months from August 23, 2025 to May 3, 2026.

Fees include:

  • no-charge laundry facilities
  • electricity
  • hot water
  • heating
  • internet


  • Dormitory-style with shared co-ed washroom facilities centrally located on each floor.
  • 40 single and double rooms housing 45 students.
  • Rooms are furnished with a twin size bed and mattress, desk, chair, dresser, bookshelf, lamp, drapery, wastepaper basket.
  • Residence floors accessed through card reader at all times but main door and first floor of the building is open to public during business office hours.
  • Directly across from the Milton Gates

Mandatory Meal Plan


uni hall extuni hall bedroom

uni hall quiet roomuni hall shared kitchen