
Making Sense of Others' Actions

Published: 7 April 2010

Renée Baillargeon

Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois

“Making Sense of Others’ Actions:

Psychological Reasoning in Infancy”

Stewart Building, Room S1/3

Friday, April 9, 2010, 3:30 PM

1205 Dr. Penfield Ave (at Stanley)

Beginning early in the first year of life, infants attempt to make sense ofothers’ intentional actions. Although the nature and development of infants’psychological reasoning (or “theory of mind”, as it is sometimes called)remain the subjects of intense controversy, the notion that infants alreadypossess some understanding of others’actions is becoming widely accepted. In much of the research on this topic,infants watch simple scenes in which a person acts on objects (e.g., aperson reaches consistently for chocolates as opposed to carrots).

Investigators examine what mental states infants attribute to the person,and how they use these mental states to interpret and predict the person’sactions. Results indicate that infants in the first year of life are able toattribute at least two kinds of mental states to a person: motivationalstates (e.g., goals, dispositions), which specify the person’s motivation inthe scene, and reality-congruent informational states (e.g., the person'sknowledge or ignorance), which specify what accurate information the personpossesses or lacks about the scene.

Over the past few years, experiments onreality-incongruent informational states have focused on the question ofwhether infants also realize that a person can hold false or pretend beliefs
about a scene. In my talk, I will review evidence that, when attempting tomake sense of a person’s actions in a simple scene, infants take intoaccount not only the motivational and reality-congruent informational butalso the reality-incongruent informational states of the person.

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