Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette - Ottawa to end Air Canada strike
“That was quick,” said Karl Moore, a professor of management at ƬƵ University’s Desautels School of Management. “It seems odd to me, because it’s unusually quick and because things seemed to be reasonably calm. And I kept hearing that things were under control, that the situation was not affecting very much Air Canada’s customers.”
Moore said that he was concerned about respect for “unions and democracy and that sort of thing – unions are a legitimate part of the process.” But he added that legislation would take “four or five days” to work out, and that the announcement may be meant as “a shot across the bow” of unions, pressuring them to come to an agreement. Moore also said that Air Canada’s concerns about 26,000 employees and the company funding a generous pension plan for 28,000 retirees are equally valid.