
Telemachus Scholars Program

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers a variety of programs which aim to assist faculty members in accessing mentorship at all career stages. The Academic Affairs Office manages these programs in concert with the Faculty Development office.

Telemachus Scholars Program

Group of FMHS Academics raise their coffee cups

Photograph of Family Medicine Telemachus ScholarsPhotograph of Telemachus Scholars mugsPhotograph of Telemachus Scholars workshop

The Telemachus Scholars Program is an innovative small group mentorship program bringing together faculty members with similar academic roles, but at different career stages and in different departments, to learn from each other, and help each other meet career and personal goals.

This program runs for 12-18 months and consists of five to six workshops and four small group meetings. Topics include work-life balance and time management, teamwork and leadership, giving and receiving feedback, the art of negotiation, and tips for effective mentors.

Read more about the .

See the list of Telemachus Scholars 2017-18

See the list of Telemachus Scholars 2019-20

See the list of Telemachus Scholars 2020-21

See the list of Telemachus Scholars 2022-23

See the list of Telemachus Scholars 2024-25

Telemachus Scholars Program Committee

For more information on the program, please contact academicaffairs.med [at] mcgill.ca

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