

Michael A. Meighen; B.A.(McG.), LL.L.(Laval) Chancellor
Suzanne Fortier; B.Sc., Ph.D.(McG.) Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Christopher Manfredi; B.A., M.A.(Calg.), M.A., Ph.D.(Claremont) Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
Ollivier Dyens; B.F.A.(C'dia), M.A., Ph.D.(Montr.) Deputy Provost (Student Life & Learning)
Kathleen Massey; B.A.(York), M.A.(R. Roads) University Registrar and Executive Director of Enrolment Services
Jana Luker; B.A.(Guelph), B.Ed., M.Ed.(Tor.) Executive Director of Services for Students
Ghyslaine McClure; B.Eng.(Montr.), S.M.(MIT), Ph.D.(Montr.) Associate Provost (Budget & Resources)

Lydia White; B.A., M.A.(Camb.), Ph.D.(McG.) (Term ending Aug. 31, 2015)

Angela Campbell; B.A. B.C.L.(McG.), LL.M.(Harv.) (Effective Sept. 1, 2015)

Associate Provost (Policies, Procedures & Equity)

Ian Strachan; B.Sc.(Tor.), M.Sc., Ph.D.(Qu.) (Interim) (Term ending Aug. 31, 2015)

Anja Geitmann; Diplom(Konstanz), Ph.D.(Stockholm) (Effective Sept. 1, 2015)

Associate Vice-Principal (Macdonald Campus) and Dean (Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences)
Ghilaine Roquet; B.A.(UQAM), M.Sc.A.(Montr.) Chief Information Officer
Stephen Strople; B.A.(Dal.), M.A.(York) Secretary-General
Michael Di Grappa; B.A.(C'dia), M.P.A.(Col.), A.M.P.(Harv. Business School) Vice-Principal (Administration & Finance)
Lynne B. Gervais; B.A.(C’dia) Associate Vice-Principal (Human Resources)
Robert Couvrette; B.Sc.(École Poly., Montr., HEC), MPM(UQAM) Associate Vice-Principal (University Services)
Olivier Marcil; B.A.(Sher.), M.A.(Montr.) Vice-Principal (External Relations)
David Eidelman; M.D.,C.M.(McG.), FRCPC, FACP Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean (Faculty of Medicine)
Sam Benaroya; B.Sc., M.D.,C.M.(McG.) Associate Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Associate Dean (Inter-Hospital Affairs)
Rose Goldstein; B.Sc., M.D.,C.M.(McG.) Vice-Principal (Research & International Relations)
Antonia Maioni; B.A.(Laval), M.A.(Car.), Ph.D.(N'western) Associate Vice-Principal (Research & International Relations)
Marc Weinstein; B.A., B.C.L., LL.B.(McG.) Vice-Principal (University Advancement)
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Jan. 14, 2016) (disclaimer)
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Jan. 14, 2016) (disclaimer)
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