Technical Complementaries
Students following the regular Software Engineering program should take 11-12 credits, of which at least 6 credits must be from group A. It is possible that not all the courses listed will be offered in any given year. Please refer to the up-to-date course assignments (posted on the Undergraduate Bulletin Board) before selecting any course. Permission will not be granted to take Technical Complementary courses that are not on this list.
Group A :
- COMP 350A Numerical Computing (P-MATH 222 and MATH 223 and one of COMP 202, COMP 208, COMP 250; or equivalents)
- COMP 409A Concurrent Programming (P-COMP 251,COMP 302 and COMP 310 or ECSE 427)
- COMP 424A Topics in Atrificial Intelligence I (P-COMP 206, COMP 251, COMP 302)
- COMP 433 Personal Software Engineering (P-COMP 335)
- COMP 524 Theorectical Found. of Prog. Languages (P-COMP 302 and MATH 340 or MATH 235)
- COMP 575B Fundamentals of Distributed Algorithms (P-ECSE 427)
Group B :
- ECSE 304A,B Signals and Systems II (P-ECSE 303)
- ECSE 323A,B Digital Systems Design (P-ECSE 221, ECSE 291 and EDEC 206)
- ECSE 404A Control Systems (P-ECSE 303)
- ECSE 411A Communications Systems I (P-ECSE 304 and ECSE 305)
- ECSE 412A,B Discrete Time Signal Processing (P-ECSE 304)
- ECSE 413B Communications Systems II (P-ECSE 411)
- ECSE 414A Intro. to Telecom Networks (P-ECSE 304, ECSE 305 and ECSE 322)
- COMP 535A Computer Networks 1 (P-ECSE 427)
- ECSE 420 Parallel Computing (P-ECSE 427)
- ECSE 421B Embedded Systems (P-ECSE 427)
- ECSE 422 Fault Tolerant Computing (P-ECSE 427)
- ECSE 424B Human-Computer Interaction (P-ECSE 322)
- ECSE 425A,B Computer Organization and Architecture (P-ECSE 322 and ECSE 323)
- ECSE 426A,B Microprocessors (P-ECSE 323 and EDEC 206)
- COMP 573A Microcomputers (P-COMP 273)
- ECSE 504 Computer Control (P-ECSE 404 or ECSE 502 and ECSE 305)
- ECSE 522 Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (P-ECSE 323)
- ECSE 526B Artificial Intelligence (P-ECSE 322)
- ECSE 529A Image Processing and Communication (P-ECSE 304)
- ECSE 530 Logic Synthesis (P-ECSE 323)
- ECSE 531 Real-Time Systems (P-ECSE 322 and ECSE 323)(Not offered)
- ECSE 532A Computer Graphics (P-ECSE 322)
- COMP 557A Computer Graphics (P-MATH 223 and COMP 251)
- COMP 410 Mobile Computing (P-COMP 310)
- COMP 412 Software for e-commerce (P-ECSE 427 or COMP 310)
- COMP 505 High-Performance Comp. Architecture (P-COMP 302 and COMP 273 or equivalent)
- COMP 520A Compiler Design (P-COMP 273 and COMP 302)
- COMP 535A Computer Networks 1 (P-COMP 310)
- COMP 566A Discrete Optimization 1 (P-COMP 360 and MATH 223)
Revised June 2003